
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Looked Out the Window and What Did I See?

Yesterday the weather was quite nice and before I went into my lab, I walked around south of BYU campus and took some photographs of the fall colors.

There were vivid yellows:

And brilliant reds (less common):

So imagine our surprise this morning when we got up and:

Yes, that is snow on the apricot tree in the back yard. Needless to say, Leann wasn't very pleased.


  1. I was most displeased as well!! It is much too early!

  2. Your camera captures color WAY better than mine (or is it photoshop?)!!! The photos are beautiful. I especially like the one of the leaves on the sidewalk.

  3. Not Photoshop. I use GIMP. It's a free alternative to Photoshop. My camera usually takes bland-looking photographs. It also specializes in taking out-of-focus photographs (which isn't readily apparent on the viewscreen).

  4. At least y'all get snow. All I get is rain and cold. And maybe a few tornadoes.
