
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Movie Review: Aliens in the Attic

I couldn't say why, but when I put this disc on to watch it, I expected the whole thing to be CGI, not just the aliens. So when a host of live actors showed up (including the kid from Surface [1]), I was a little surprised. The aliens, which are CGI, show up later. I'm not sure this movie was accurately named since the aliens seemed to spend more time in the ventilation ducts than they did in the attic.

The best scene was the fight between the older sister's obnoxious college boyfriend and the grandma (both being remotely controlled). A similar scene shown during the credits, where the sister remotely controls her now-ex-boyfriend when he goes to visit an old girlfriend is also rather comical.

My verdict: This was a fun movie that in the end produces a few good messages. The acting wasn't terrible, but neither was it great—just standard fare for a children's movie. This movie does, however, give in to a common theme in modern children's movies which asserts that adults are incompetent and that kids have to take care of everything on their own. Perhaps in their desire to avoid having the parents function as a deus ex machina some films overcompensate. But others blatantly portray adults as idiots. This is one of those films. If that will bother you, then you should probably avoid Aliens in the Attic.


[1] He plays essentially the same character, but younger, in that television series.

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