
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Resolution Run 2011

In August of 2010 I decided that I wanted a forced exercise program. So I decided it would be fun to train for a 5K, since I've never run a race before. I tried to get Matt to commit to 30 minute workouts 3 days a week, but after a month or so of him "declining to answer the question" of whether or not he would train with me, I decided to go ahead without him. I did the Couch to 5K 9 week program. I had a running partner who practiced with me about once a week, and I did the other 2 workouts on my own. I started out running 14.5 minute miles. Our initial goal was to run the 5K in 36 minutes, but as I got faster I changed my goal to 32 minutes. In the last few weeks prior to the race my fastest time was something like 31:07; my average 32:10.

Due to several complications, such as changed race dates, unplanned trips to Texas, my partner's torn meniscus, etc., I ended up running the Resolution Run 2011 on New Year's Day, in Round Rock Texas, put on by the St. Philip's United Methodist Church. My sister-in-law, Amber, used to run track in high school, so I got her to run it with me. I finished the race in 28:10. My other stats are as follows: Age class: 4/14, Gender 67/275, Total participants 193/495.


  1. That's awesome! Do you ever plan on doing a longer race?

  2. @Rachel

    No, I don't plan on doing a longer race because I can't commit to training for more than 40 minutes a day. However, there's a snow run on an obstacle course in February that's a 5K. It's called Vigor Utah. I'm thinking about running that.
