
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

15 Minutes of Fame

Many of us have heard the quote, "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Not many know, though, that this was first uttered by Andy Warhol [1], that odd painter of Campbell's soup cans and a psychedelic grid of Marilyn Monroes.[2] Why do I mention this? Go to the BYU homepage (here) and perhaps you'll see why.

And since that will eventually change (I only get fifteen minutes, right?), I took a screenshot:

Right now there's a poster in the southeast corner of the Widtsoe Building that has my face on it. Sometimes while I'm walking around campus people I've never met will greet me. I suspect that they recognize me from the poster, but don't remember where they've seen me. So they say, "Hi," just to be polite. I imagine that this will only intensify from here on out.


[1] See

[2] You can see those two pieces here and here. If you feel like cringing, do a Google image search of Andy Warhol—what a bizarre individual.


  1. Matt, your the BYU homepage no longer shows you at the header like the picture! But I am most proud to call you my brother! :)

  2. Go back and check a few times. It doesn't always show the same one.
