
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Television Review: Psych, Season 5

My favorite episode of this season, and probably of the whole series, was "Dual Spires", which pays homage to the canceled television show Twin Peaks.[1] I didn't figure it out until I recognized the actor that played Bobby in Twin Peaks. Then it became quite delightful to see each new cameo [2] or reference show up. Besides that…

My verdict: Thanks to "Dual Spires" this season ranks as my second favorite after the first season. I didn't really appreciate the mid-season change in actors for young Shawn.[3] And I was disappointed with the season finale (it wasn't nearly as good as the finales of seasons 3 or 4) and with the resolution of the Yin/Yang story arch. If you keep your eyes peeled, you can spot Davy "D.J." Johns [4], Agent Cole Ortiz, First Lady Martha Logan, Robert the Bruce, Secretary of Defense James Heller, Richard Alpert, Marie Kreutz, Uncle Rico, the Dread Pirate Roberts (again), Dr. Nicholas Clayton, Leland Palmer (again), the Karate Kid, Vohnkar, and Christopher Henderson.


[1] If you haven't seen the show, a lot of the jokes will probably be lost on you. But you can see two lists of references to Twin Peaks here.

[2] There were seven in total; my favorite was the Log Lady. I (but not Leann) was a little disappointed that BOB didn't show up. Nor was there an appearance from my favorite character from Twin Peaks, Bobby's father, Major Garland Briggs.

[3] Apparently this was because the child actor, Liam James, hit a growth spurt and his voice was changing. Too bad.

[4] Hint: Even if you've seen Herbie Goes Bananas you might not recognize this character's name. But you should recognize the actor.

Image attribution:

Pineapple is by Ian Britton, available at

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