
Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

This weekend we celebrated Easter, the holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe that He was the literal Son of God, that He established his Church on the Earth, that He was and is the Savior of Mankind, that He has paid the price of our sins and will save us if we repent, that He was crucified, and that three days later He returned to life. Since that time some pagan aspects have entered into the Easter holiday—particularly Easter eggs. and the Easter bunny. However, we feel that these customs do not detract from our worship of the Savior.

First, Leann's Easter eggs. She'll have to forgive me since the camera wasn't taking very clear pictures. The green egg in the middle has flowers on the left and says Happy Easter on the right. The blue egg on the right has a drawing of the Easter bunny.

On to my Easter eggs. The yellow egg at the top left is supposed to look like Charlie Brown. The blue and green egg in the middle is a map of the Earth.[1] The yellow egg at the top right has red, brown, and orange spots all over it, to make it look like a cartoonish dinosaur egg.

Here is another Easter egg that I did, shown from different angles. To get this speckled appearance, I added a tablespoon of canola oil to the red egg dye. The oil coated certain parts of the egg, preventing them from staining. I removed the egg, blotted off the oil, washed and dried it. Then I could proceed to repeat the process with a second color (blue). Apparently the shell was minutely cracked since you can see white faults through the eggshell, too.

When Leann's family celebrates Easter, the Easter bunny hides their basket with their eggs and candy in it. On Saturday I told her that I was tired and didn't feel like hiding baskets. Then when she was distracted, I went ahead and hid hers anyway! Can you find it in the picture above? Neither could she. (It was in the box behind the table [2]).

Once I'd informed Leann that the Easter bunny had hidden her basket, she wasted no time in hiding mine. Can you find it in the picture above? Neither could I. (It was hidden behind the blinds in the window [3]).


[1] It is surprisingly hard to project a map of the Earth onto the surface of an egg. I've been trying for years now and I fail every time. This year there was no room for Antarctica.

[2] DISCLAIMER: You can't actually see the basket in the photograph. It's too well hidden.
     As you can see, we're getting ready to move, so there are lots of packing boxes. I got in trouble for hiding her basket in this particular box because it was full of her "extra fragile" things. Oops!

[3] DISCLAIMER: You can't actually see the basket in the photograph. It's too well hidden.
      The handle of the basket broke of years ago, so it actually fits behind the blinds.

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