
Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's a Girl!

For some of you, this is the first you're hearing about it, but Leann and I are expecting a baby girl on the 26th of August. When we left to go see the doctor, we had seven guesses for a baby boy (including Leann) and six guesses for a baby girl (including me). Despite being outnumbered, the girl guessers were in the right.

This is our first ultrasound from back in January. At the bottom you can see a cardiograph of the baby's heartbeat.

In this video you can see the baby kick.

To announce the news to my family, Leann made cupcakes with a white cake mix. She piped strawberry frosting (recipe from her sister Christine's blog [1]) into the center and covered the tops with lemon cream cheese frosting (recipe from All Recipes [2]). Then she put little plastic baby bottles and rocking horses on the top.

We decided to film the reaction from my little sister, Ashley, since she was sure to put on a performance. She didn't disappoint, though she was a little distracted by the camera at first.

Yesterday we had an ultrasound appointment and found out that we're having a girl. Here are a few videos. The last one shows her heartbeat.

And here are some stills of the ultrasound. Top left is a profile of the baby. Top right is her right foot. Bottom left is her spine (Leann has been taking folic acid for the last four years). Bottom right is her skull and brain. (Sorry if that bothers anyone).

Leann has been keeping this a secret from her coworkers but she decided to tell them once we knew what we were having. Some of them were completely surprised; others had their suspicions. For the occasion we bought an "It's a Girl!" balloon and taped it on her lab door. Leann also made brownies with a pink mint frosting and for the brownie-haters she brought veggies with a pink ranch dressing (sorry you can't really tell in the photo).


[1] See

[2] See


  1. It makes me happy that you put the video of Ashley in! Oh, I'm just so excited for you two! Have you picked a name? And if so, are you going to tell or keep it a secret?

  2. Right now we're thinking about Lillian. But we admit the possibility that we'll change our minds once we have her in our arms.

  3. I hope you're posting the ultrasounds just for record-keeping purposes and not because you enjoy looking at them. I never find in them anything sentimental and have come to hate seeing them.

  4. I like looking at them, too! It's just exciting to see how she looks and moves like a baby already! I think Lillian is a beautiful name. Good choice!

  5. @Markham
    We have family members who want to see the ultrasound pics/vids, but who are far enough away that we can't show them the printed photographs or the DVD.

  6. Congratulations! The spine picture reminds me of the first ultrasound we had of Liam. When Devin saw the picture with Liam's spine clearly showing (and not much else) he said "congratulations honey, we're having a baby snake" (shudder) What a miracle to be able to see your little one!
