
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Product Review: Salt and Vinegar Chips 2

I've already confessed my fondness for salt and vinegar chips.[1] So whenever I spot a new brand, you're sure to get a new review. This time you get two: Block & Barrel Classic Salt & Vinegar Kettle Style Potato Chips and Boulder Canyon Malt Vinegar & Sea Salt Kettle Cooked Potato Chips.

My verdict: The Block & Barrel chips were good. They were a little zingier than other salt and vinegar chips I've had, which I liked. It's too bad that they don't come in bigger bags.[2] I didn't really like the Boulder Canyon chips. The malt vinegar reminded me of apple vinegar, which I'm not a fan of. This doesn't really disappoint me, though, since the label "all natural" is as suspect to me as the label "organic" food is.[2] I won't be buying these again, and I may not try any of their other flavors.


[1] See my other posts about salt and vinegar chips here and here.

[2] I've only ever seen single-serving sized bags of Block & Barrel at gas stations, but never anywhere else or in larger bags.

[3] For my opinions about "organic" food, see see this post, this post, and this post (in that order).

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