
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Product Review: Takis: Salsa Brava

While I was serving an LDS mission in Monterrey, México [1], there was only one flavor of Takis (now called "crunchy fajita"), which was marketed as "¡la única TAKO botana!"[2] Since then there has been a proliferation of new flavors of Takis. The first such new flavor to appear on the scene was "Salsa Brava". These can sometimes be spotted in mainstream grocery stores, but in most cases you'll have to go to a Mexican tienda to find them.

My verdict: Despite the name (which means "bold salsa") these aren't prohibitively spicy. In addition to the salsa flavor, I thought I detected a strong hint of peanut oil. But a review of the ingredients list indicated that there is no peanut oil in these, only palm oil. Whatever that flavor was, it was slightly distracting, but I still like these in general. They're not as good as the fajita-flavored Takis, though.


[1] For those who are unsure why Latter-day Saints (Mormons) go on missions, I recommend you visit here and here, where you can learn more about LDS beliefs concerning sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have more questions, ask and maybe I'll do a full post on the topic.

[2] i.e. "the only Tako treat!", with the word taco intentionally misspelled to reflect the brand name.

[3] You can read my review of other flavors of Takis here, here, and here.

[2] There is a game of snake that you can play at their website: Well, actually you're a worm that goes around eating clods of dirt.

1 comment:

  1. my friend let me try one it tasted sooooo good
