
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Product Review: Mitica Mahón Cheese

Mahón cheese is a Spanish cheese produced on the Balearic island of Menorca, which is also the birthplace of mayonnaise.[1] It is the second most popular cheese in Spain, after Manchego.[2] Because the cheese is produced on an island, the cows often eat grass that is briny from the sea spray blowing up from the ocean.[3] This, in part, has been credited with giving this cheese its unique flavor.

My verdict: The wrapper on this cheese stated that in Spain it is often eaten at breakfast with olive oil and fresh rosemary. Well, we couldn't justify buying a spring of fresh rosemary just to eat a few bits with this cheese, so we just had it with dried rosemary. As such it was okay, but I found that I liked it better with just some crackers and grapes. Looking around the internet, it appears that the cheese I bought hadn't been aged very long ("Artesano Mahón"), because it was pretty mild-flavored. Perhaps in the future I'll have to try one that has a little more age to it.


[1] i.e. See (you'll have to scroll down to the section on Mahón cheese) and

[2] Spanish Manchego cheese is quite unlike the variety of Manchego sold in most supermarkets in the U.S.

[3] Seeón cheese.

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