
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Product Review: Cadbury Wunderbar

In the United Kingdom and Ireland the Wunderbar is called the Star Bar and the Moro Peanut Bar, respectively.[1] But in Germany and Canada it is marketed as the Wunderbar. I think this is rather clever since it's a play on the German word wunderbar ("wonderful") and the bar in candy bar. They don't actively market these in the United States, so you'll usually only find them in specialty stores.

My verdict: The label says that it's "A peanut butter caramel experience!" and "C'est carachidébile!" I'm unsure what that latter one means.[2] There was definitely a lot of caramel in this candy bar; I had trouble pulling it apart so that I could share it with Leann. There wasn't straight peanut butter, however. Rather, the peanut butter was in some kind of crunch wafer. It was a tasty candy bar, but not so much so that it would be worth going out of my way to get another, since they're so hard to find.


[1] See Bar.

[2] It's obviously French, but it stumped Google translate, so I'm guessing it's an invented word. And a simple Google search only turned up sites talking about the candy bar. If you parse it as car[amel] + arachide + débile you get the translation "It's a caramel-peanut moron!" or "It's a caramel-peanut weakling!" I doubt that's what it really means, though.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon your page while actually trying to figure out the reason behind "carachidébile".
    Being French myself, I can't find any other explanation than the one you gave in footnote #2.
    Yes, it is totally absurd to have "moron/retarded" there, and looks like it comes out of nowhere, but the only thing I can imagine is some marketing guy playing a cruel prank on Cadbury. The first time I saw that word, I thought "WTF!"
    I live in Germany, and these candy bars can be found in any supermarket. Cadbury has since then removed the carachidébile part, but no explanation was given.
