
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hand Spiders

I can remember doing hand spiders with babies at church before I even got out of Primary.[1][2] They're amazing things. They work across language and culture barriers. They're safe and fun for children of all ages. They're versatile: children can be tickled by them, try to find them when they hide, smash them if they get within reach, grab them and try to eat them, watch them run around, etc. At first I don't think they realize that it's just my hand, but they still seem to know that I'm somehow responsible for everything the hand spider does. Last week I introduced Lillian to hand spiders.

Unfortunately, with Lillian things are only funny the first time. When I tried doing this again the next day she smiled and played along, but it wasn't worth laughing about anymore. So now I have to figure out something new that's funny.


[1] In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon Church) children attend a series of classes, collectively called Primary, until they turn 12. You can learn more about our church here and here.

[2] Of course, their parents (and my parents, for that matter) probably didn't appreciate the loud squeals of laughter during meetings.

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