
Friday, May 4, 2012

Five Years

Yesterday [1] Leann and I celebrated our five year anniversary. According to Wikipedia [2], the traditional gift in both the U.S. and the U.K. is wood. The modern gift is silverware. On our first anniversary, which was paper, I took Leann to a park with a stream in it. We made paper boats and raced them. Mine won (hers kept up pretty well…until it sank). I didn't exactly come up with a wood- or silverware-themed activity this year, but both items did keep cropping up throughout the day.

First, the anniversary gifts. I gave Leann a Dirt Devil because she's tired of getting out the full-sized vacuum whenever there's a little mess on the carpet. It's not silverware, but it is silver-colored. Before any of you lady readers get up in arms because I bought my wife a vacuum cleaner for our anniversary, it's what she asked for.

Besides, I gave her a pizza peel, too (which she didn't ask for) since she's recently been trying her hand at baking pizzas at home. This should make it easier to get them into and out of the oven. And it's definitely made of wood.

And she got me the second Mistborn novel.[3]

I left work a little early and took my girls to La Jolla Groves.[4] We went before the dinner rush so that Lilli wouldn't be bothering anyone if she was a little fussy. On the whole she did pretty well. Note that we sat on chairs made out of—wait for it—wood.

We usually don't order drinks when we eat out, but this was a special occasion so we both asked for Italian cream sodas.[5] Leann had blackberry and I had kiwi.

For our entrees, Leann ordered the Fettuccini Alfredo (top) and I had the Mushroom Ravioli (bottom). (I forgot to take pictures until we'd already started eating. Sorry.) We also had the Gorgonzola-stuffed mushrooms for an appetizer. The food (which we ate with silverware) was pretty good, but not good enough for the price we paid. I don't think we'll be eating there again.

After that we went over to Ike's Ice Cream Parlor (inside the Provo Beach Resort [6]) where they serve Leann's beloved Blue Bell Ice Cream.[7] She had a double scoop and loved every bit of it.

We let Lilli try ice cream for the first time. She liked it pretty well. But we think it made her mouth go numb after a while because she started sticking her tongue out and making faces.

After we got home, Leann made a chocolate pudding pie. (And we ate it with silverware.) Mmm!


[1] Don't forget that today is Star Wars Day. See my post Two Special Days.

[2] See anniversary#Celebration and gifts.

[3] My review of the first one is forthcoming.

[4] See their website (which includes a menu) here.

[5] See my recipe for Italian cream sodas here.

[6] See their website here.

[7] See their website here.

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