
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

English–Greek Ambigrams

The third batch of multi-lingual ambigrams I made are in Greek. As in the previous cases [1], I was left to deal with both another language and another alphabet. Fortunately, as with the English–Old Irish ambigrams, I was working with an alphabet that was generally similar to the Roman alphabet we use in English. In fact, the Greek alphabet gave rise to it! For this batch I consulted two fonts: a blackletter font called Spanish Main [2] for my name and a font called Fleischmann Gotisch PT [3] for Leann's and Lillian's names.

NOTE: to pause the animated .gif images, simply hit the ESC key on your keyboard. To resume, hit the refresh button on your browser.

My name in Greek is ματθαίος (transcribed as matthaios). I'm particularly pleased with the μ/w combo and more especially my use of th to make the τθ. The α/e pair isn't bad, either.

Leann's name doesn't translate directly into Greek. For the first part (Le[ah]) I figured out that the Greek word λιβάδι (transcribed as libádi) means "meadow".[4] I didn't want to use the whole thing since that would make the entire name too long, so I just kept the first two letters (λι). The second half (Ann) is available in Greek: ἄννα (transliterated as hánna). So the entire named would be λιἄννα (transcribed as lihánna). This font didn't have Greek characters, so I just made do with Roman characters (you'll just have to forgive me for my crude conversion of the l to a λ).

The Greek translation for the flower lily is κρίνος (transliterated krinos).[5] I am least satisfied with this ambigram. The ο/il combo doesn't really look like an ο, so once again I resorted to using colors. But everything else I tried just made it look like a p in one direction and a d in the other. The ν/l combo isn't perfect, either.


[1] See my English–Thai ambigrams here and my English–Old Irish ambigrams here.

[2] You can preview or purchase it here.

[3] You can preview or purchase it here.

[4] With the help of Google Translate.

[5] Again, with the help of Google Translate.

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