
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Autumn Photos

This post is just a smattering of photos I've taken this last autumn since it's pretty much over. Two nights ago we got so much snow that fallen tree branches (and even a few fallen trees) now litter the streets of Provo. So winter has unequivocally begun. All but the first three of the photographs are from a walk Leann and I went on to scout out a place to take some pictures of Lilli. Our neighbor, who has a nicer camera than we do, was willing to take photos of Lilli with her cousin Lizzie in their Hallowe'en outfits.[1]

I took this one on my way up to campus one Saturday morning a few weeks ago after it snowed up on the mountains.[2] The colors on the mountain were more vibrant than they usually appear, so I was quick to capture it on film.

The next Saturday was warmer and I got home from campus a little earlier than usual so we went on a family walk. Among other things we spotted a house with an interesting color palette (left) and a tree with leaves that were turning bright orange (right).

Now on to the location scouting.

We considered having the girls standing by a fence. We found some wooden fences (top) that might have worked out but they didn't have any autumn leaves. We also found an interesting brick wall (bottom) but ultimately decided against it.

We thought about having the babies pose at the base of this huge sycamore, but again there weren't any leaves on the ground.

These two trees, on the other hand, had too many leaves.

And here are some pictures from the actual photoshoot. What a cutie! I wasn't there for the event, but I believe they went over near the brick wall.

Also, just for fun, I took some pictures of leaves on the ground even though they weren't really good locations for the photo shoot. (Actually, the last one is of leaves still on the tree.)


[1] See my post Hallowe'en 2012.

[2] I took a similar picture last year; see my post Summer Walks (scroll down). I've also made a miniplanet using photographs I took while standing on the sidewalk in the foreground of this photo; see my post Make Your Own Miniplanet (scroll down).

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