Friday, October 25, 2013

Little Singer

Lilli has enjoyed music for a long time, now. When we still lived in Provo she became obsessed with "Call Me Maybe" (in particular the version by the US Olympic swimming team [1]). Another example: she hates riding in the car, but she'll tolerate it if we let her listen to a Disney soundtrack (her current favorite is The Little Mermaid). However, it wasn't until recently that she's started memorizing lyrics and singing them herself. It started with The Alphabet Song [2] and has been slowly expanding ever since. Here are some of the other children's songs she's learned:

"All the Pretty Little Horses." [3]

"Row Your Boat."

"Baa, Baa Black Sheep." [4]

And here she is making up her own lyrics.


[1] See

[2] See my post ABCs.

[3] I wasn't familiar with this one, but when I heard Leann's mother teaching it to Lilli it sounded familiar. I finally figured out that the tune had been incorporated into the soundtrack of Quigley Down Under.

[4] I sing this with the tune of "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman" (the same tune as "The Alphabet Song" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"), but Leann taught it to her with a few notes changed, as you may notice.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive! I love hearing her sing with her cute little voice! My girls also loved the Swim team "Call Me Maybe." Josie knows all the words to it, which I am not so very thrilled about in certain spots...
