
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Product Review: Hostess Cherry Pie

School lunch was generally a monotonous affair in elementary school, though there were a few highlights.[1] One such delight were the cherry pies we were infrequently given. I had a friend, Adam Witt, who always gave me his. Not because he didn't like them, but because on two separate occasions he choked on one and Donna, the head custodian (?), had to give him the Heimlich Maneuver. Thus those days were doubly good to me. For a while now every time I walk past the Hostess fruit pies at the grocery store I've considered whether they're as good as I remember. I finally gave in and bought one.

My verdict: The Hostess cherry pie wasn't exactly the same as the ones we were given at Willard Elementary, but the nostalgia was still probably the best part of the flavor. The filling was about the same as what I remember, but the pastry and frosting were a little different. By itself the pie is just so-so; I won't be buying them that often. But every once in a while it will be nice to revisit the joy of school lunch cherry pies.


[1] There were also grave horrors inflicted upon us in that institution, the worst of which was tuna jigglers: a layer of lime Jell-O covered with a layer of mayonnaise topped with a layer of lightly toasted tuna fish. Blech!

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember the tuna jigglers! Gross! I do remember tuna loaf, and I remember only one kid liked it. And I didn't like the cherry pies. I would have given you mine, too. The rolls were my favorite school lunch item in elementary school.
