
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recipe: Italian Cream Soda

Leann and I first experienced Italian sodas at a wedding reception held at Thanksgiving Point. Leann was curious, but timid, so she made me go get one first. It was really good. We went back for more. My favorite was the pomegranate-flavored soda while hers was the blackberry. Since there aren't that many places that offer Italian sodas, I decided to figure out whether I could make my own. As it turns out, it wasn't that hard.

  • 1 c. carbonated water [1]
  • 3 Tbsp. flavored syrup [2][3]
  • 2 Tbsp. half and half
  • ice
  • spray cream

Add the sparkling water and ice to your glass.

Stir in the syrup.

Stir in the half and half. You will probably see some flocculation, but this needn't concern you—it's harmless.

Top with a squirt of sprayed whip cream. Stir in the whipped cream for an extra creamy drink.


[1] This can be selzter water, sparkling water, or club soda. Don't use tonic water, though; it contains quinine which makes it quite bitter.

[2] We found Torani brand and DaVinci brand flavored syrups near the coffee at Macey's grocery store. We bought the Torani because they were a little cheaper. At Smith's and Fresh Market they only had Torani and only in flavors for adding to coffee (hazelnut, caramel, vanilla), so you might have to shop around. The Torani website has a finder which will help you locate stores near you which sell their products. You can also order directly from them or on Some of these syrups can also be added to lemonade.

[3] This needn't be 3 Tbsp. of a single syrup. You can try combining flavors, e.g. strawberry syrup and kiwi syrup. This assumes, of course, that you go to the trouble to track down flavors that aren't found in your local grocery store.

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