
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Product Review: Doritos Pizza Supreme

Over the last few years Doritos has come out with several limited-time specialty flavors, including wasabi, taco, cheeseburger, habanero, jalapeƱo poppers, buffalo wings, chili, dill, guacamole, etc.[1] I've tried many of them, but not all (I refuse to try the dill-flavored Doritos—I already know I don't like them). The most recent flavor I've seen pop up at the grocery store is Pizza Supreme. I was a little skeptical about these given my less-than-stellar experience with cheeseburger-flavored Combos [2], but I decided to be intrepid.

My verdict: The dominant flavor is the cheese; the rest of the pizza flavor is subtle. There is just a hint of pepperoni and a hint of olive. Now out comes the truth: I hate olives, so these definitely weren't my favorite chips. But they weren't terrible, either. For most of you this won't be a bad purchase, but I doubt it will be a recurring purchase, either. There are better flavors of Doritos out there.


[1] For an exhaustive list, including flavors only sold outside the U.S., see

[2] See my review here.

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