
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Product Review: Dreyer's Samoas Cookie Ice Cream

Under normal circumstances you only see Girl Scout Cookies once a year. Dedicated mothers camp out in front of grocery stores and on busy street corners in order to sell these cookies for their daughters.[1] The Samoas are simply the best cookie that the Girl Scouts have to offer.[2] Well, even though it's not currently Girl Scout Cookie season, Dreyer's has, for a limited time, Girl Scout Cookie-flavored ice cream—including a Samoas-flavored ice cream.

My verdict: At first I wasn't that impressed with the ice cream. It was vanilla with chunks of Samoas and ribbons of chocolate. But the chunks of cookie were so tiny that you couldn't really taste them. At that point it might as well have been chocolate-and-toasted-coconut ice cream. But as I got down to the bottom of the tub, things improved. The chunks of Samoas were much larger. However, at this point I concluded that this rendered the ice cream superfluous—I just wanted the Samoas. So in the end I didn't really think this ice cream was that special.


[1] Once in a blue moon you'll see one of the Girl Scouts actually doing this. But since this is so rare, you should probably be suspicious. Who knows what she might have planned for you. You're better off waiting until you find a frazzled mother that you can trust your money with.

[2] Some people might disagree with this statement, but the good news is that they're still allowed to operate motor vehicles in Germany!

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