
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Last week Leann's brother, David, and his family came up to Utah to visit. On Friday, he and some of his nephews went fishing at Salem Pond. They had a great time and caught lots of fish. In fact, David said he was pulling out twenty-four-inch trout using nightcrawlers. Well, that sounded too good to pass up, so yesterday Leann and I cut out of work early and drove down to Salem with one of her co-workers.

That morning the weather report promised a 100% chance of rain for when we planned to be there. We went anyway. Not only was there rain, but also wind and snow. But mostly just wind. In fact, after a while it cleared up and was almost pleasant. Then it started to hail.[1]

Apparently the fish at Salem pond lost interest in worms. I could see some huge brown trout from where I was standing. (Some meaning more than ten.) I dangled worms, power bait, a wet fly, and salmon eggs in front of them. Nothing roused the slightest sign of interest from them. Snobs. However, I did manage to land two normal-sized golden trout [2] using a spinner. Leann caught one golden trout and one brown trout and her friend, Jordan, caught a golden trout.

Besides the fish, we also saw some mallard ducks, coots, crows, Canada geese, cormorants, and a muskrat (shown above; sorry about the image quality).


[1] It was a pretty mild hailstorm, though, as hailstorms go.

[2] Some people refer to these as 'albino trout' because of their pale color. They are a mutant form of the Rainbow Trout (not to be confused with the California Golden trout, a subspecies native to California).

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