
Monday, March 21, 2011

More Doodles

While digging around in my closet, I found more doodles.[1] But this time instead of being from seminary, they were doodles I'd drawn during my sophomore year of my undergraduate education (I know this because I wrote the year on all of them).

We'll start with the small stuff, first. I can't tell you what this is except that it's goopy-looking and the pattern seems inspired by camouflage prints.

The stylized face of a reptile with its tongue out.

I don't know why I wrote it backwards, but I did. And I have no idea what a Dekan War is.[2]

The middle one reminds me of the Jawas from Star Wars. The one on the right is a demon peaking out of a fire. Don't ask me what sort of creature that is on the left—I have no idea, either.

You may not see it, but these are all related. I drew the one on the left, then modified it into the next one, and then the next one, and so on. It's like the game of telephone, I guess.

The one on the left, for some reason, reminds me of my little brother, Nathan. The one on the right is an egghead. If you hadn't guessed.

And we'll end with my favorite from this batch: a stylized owl.


[1] You can see the first set of doodles here.

[2] Google translate says it's German for "Dean was" but that doesn't make any more sense than "Dekan War".


  1. Your doodles have always made me so happy!! They are interesting for me to look at...I don't have that creativity so I'm basically just jealous!

  2. Ah, but I only show you the best ones. Not the mediocre or embarrassingly-bad ones. If you draw enough, some are eventually bound to turn out well. The same goes for photography. If you take thousands of pictures, some of them will inevitably look pretty amazing.

  3. This is true! I guess I just need to get crackin then! ;)
