
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

As I've mentioned previously, Leann and I went to the Hogle Zoo on Saturday with our friends Ben and Carolyn.[1] But the fun didn't stop there. After the zoo, we drove up to northern Utah and did a few more things.

We went to the Rainbow Gardens in Ogden [2] intending to meet up with our friends Destin and Autumn. They hadn't eaten yet, but we had, so they decided to go eat, instead of coming up to the Rainbow Gardens. Leann took a nap in the car while Carolyn gave Elsie a bottle and Ben and I went walking around in the Rainbow Gardens. (I'll probably get in trouble for taking and posting that picture.)

This is a shot of the Ogden River outside the window of one  of the craft stores in the Rainbow Gardens. If you look closely at the cables, you'll see that Hugin [3] wasn't able to perfectly stitch together the two photos I took.

After we'd wandered around for a while, Ben and Carolyn decided to go up the canyon to The Oaks for a snack while Leann and I went to my parents' house for a few hours. Leann worked on sewing some sheets for the baby's crib.[4] While she was doing that, I loaded some more of my stuff into the car so we could take it back with us.[5] A few weeks ago, Ashley's dog Rikki gave birth to eight puppies and we finally got to see them. All they did was yelp at Ashley to get her to pet them.

After that we drove up to Brigham City to see Destin, Autumn, Scotty, and Andrea.[6] On the way up we saw what they've built so far of the Brigham City temple.[7] Right now the outside looks similar to the Nauvoo temple or the Salt Lake temple, but eventually it will turn out to have its own character. You can see an artist's concept of the Brigham City temple here.

The drive back to Provo was dark and rainy. I'm still left wondering why UDOT doesn't paint the stripes on the road with reflective paint. It would certainly be better than the quick-to-fade, impossible-to-see-in-the-rain paint that they currently use.

We spent Monday hanging up picture frames [8] and putting together a dresser/changing table for the baby. By the time we got done, I didn't feel like making dinner, so we went to the Lotus Garden, a Chinese buffet on Center Street in Provo. They also serve Mongolian barbecue and Japanese sushi. Leann played it safe, but I went ahead and tried the steamed clams and the rat on a stick (it was really chicken).

As a parting shot, here's a wood duck (Aix sponsa) that we saw at the Hogle Zoo.


[1] See my post Zoorassic Park.

[2] Despite the name, there aren't any gardens there.

[3] See my post Make Your Own Panorama.

[4] See my post It's a Girl!

[5] For previous such efforts, see my posts Cleaning House Part I and Part II.

[6] They've been married for almost as long as I've been blogging. See Yay for Scotty!

[7] For those who are unsure why Latter-day Saints (Mormons) get married in temples, I recommend you visit here and here, where you can learn more about LDS beliefs concerning marriage. (Note that sometimes we call marriage in the temple "getting sealed".) If you have more questions, ask and maybe I'll do a full post on the topic.

[8] See my post Out of the Old and Into the New.

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