
Monday, February 27, 2012

Just Right

I've previously mentioned that Lillian is, in certain contexts, too big [1] and too little.[2] So, in the spirit of Goldilocks, for this post Lillian is just right. Lilli makes her mommy and daddy very happy. She is tons of fun and brings an extra measure of joy into our home. Sometimes when I'm playing with her, I wonder: what have we done with ourselves for the last four years before she came? Our lives without her seem kind of dull and uninteresting in retrospect. I guess we were missing her and we didn't even know it. Needless to say, she fits our family just right.

And, just for fun, a video of Lilli 'reading' the January copy of the Ensign.[3]

And here's a video of her sitting in her Pak-'n'-Play. Leann is watching videos of Lilli on the computer and Lilli's trying to watch, too. But there's this pesky mesh in the way


[1] See my post Too Big.

[2] See my post Too Little.

[3] Available online here.

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