
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two Special Days

May 3rd and May 4th hold special places in my heart, though for different reasons. Four years ago on May 3rd I married my sweetheart in the San Antonio temple, for time and eternity.[1] She bought me Portal 2 [2] as a present and I took her to eat at The Chef's Table in Orem.[3] It was surprisingly empty on Tuesday night, so we got excellent seating, with a view of the Wasatch Mountains. We started off with the Wild Mushrooms in Puff Pastry for an appetizer. For the main course, Leann had the House Specialty Tenderloin and I had the Prosciutto Stuffed Chicken Breast. Then we went to Applebee's [4] for some dessert that wasn't quite so pricey.

May 4th is Star Wars Day. Why? you may ask. Answer: "May the Fourth be with you."[5] To celebrate, I made Bantha milk [6] (blue food coloring plus milk [7]). You may also have noticed that all three of my posts from yesterday (here, here, and here) were posted at 11:38 am.[8] Alas, I do not own any Star Wars t-shirts, costumes, or lightsabers, so I was unable to celebrate in that way. All of my Star Wars action figures are still at my parents' house, in the basement, and my copy of LEGO Star Wars III [9] is still in a box somewhere, so I didn't get to do any playing. But I did finish up the evening by watching the last few episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Season 3.[10]


[1] For those who are unsure why Latter-day Saints (Mormons) get married in temples, I recommend you visit here and here, where you can learn more about LDS beliefs concerning marriage. (Note that sometimes we call marriage in the temple "getting sealed".) If you have more questions, ask and maybe I'll do a full post on the topic.

[2] Unfortunately, since we just moved (see here), we don't have our entertainment center set up, yet, so I can't play it any time soon.

[3] You can visit their website and browse their full menu here.

[4] Where we heard a bad karaoke version of Queen's "We Will Rock You" dedicated to the Taliban (though I think he meant al-Qaeda).

[5] If you didn't catch the reference, stop what you're doing and go watch the Star Wars films. No, really. Right now. Go. See also Wars Day.

[6] To learn more, see Wookieepedia: milk.

[7] The blue coloring made it seem like it should taste like something other than cow's milk. I tried adding some peppermint oil, but that didn't do much. But when I used it to eat some Froot Loops, then the flavor was more congruent with the coloration.

[8] Don't know the significance of the number 1138? Learn more at Wookieepedia: See also (number).

[9] Read my review here.

[10] Read my review here.

1 comment:

  1. A few other interesting days this month: last Saturday was Primeday (5/7/11), Wednesday was my inverse birthday (5/11), and Friday (today) is a Friday the 13th!
